Professional Training

CEDAMM aims to strengthen the skills of professionals in the fields of conservation and natural resource management. Through continuous vocational training, the CEDAMM contributes to achieving conservation objectives and development in the sub-region. Ongoing education is one of the most effective ways to enhance the skills, change practices, and develop new skills.

CEDAMM seeks to provide training which meets the needs of conservation professionals. Thus the training programs we offer are designed to be practical and functional, with tools ranging from traditional to innovative techniques. They are modular, short and correspond with realities in the field. The training addresses several themes including: ecological monitoring, management of protected areas, community-based management of natural resources, law enforcement monitoring, and basic field techniques. These courses are developed by WCS, and frequently in partnership with organizations, educational institutions or conservation partners.

WCS Gabon’s marine program has diversified in recent years, and training of Gabonese technicians is a high priority. We have been developing and delivering training programs for a new generation of marine field technicians. These include monitoring catch on-board industrial fishing boats and marine mammal observations during oil exploration.

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WCS Gabon
Libreville, BP 7847 Battery IV, seated CIMA
+241 44 40 39